R05 Revision Workshop

This revision workshop is ideal for those currently studying Financial protection (R05) with the CII and who would benefit from a supported study session with a dedicated, experienced tutor.

1 day workshop.

Out of the R0 exams, R05 is typically the favourite! Unsurprisingly then, R05 has the highest pass mark in comparison to the other R0 units (typically in the region of 70%). On paper, R05 looks the least daunting. It doesn’t have them challenging multiple response questions where more than one answer is potentially correct. In general, financial protection is the most straightforward area of financial planning. If there’s a protection need, there’s a solution or product that can help cover this. However, don’t let R05 fool you. It is a very broad and vast area. If you don’t have experience of financial protection, it can be quite challenging, especially when terms such as non-qualifying and qualifying are thrown at you!

The workshop starts off by breaking down the jargon and explaining how economic factors can affect protection policies. The workshop will then provide an in-depth overview of the main types of protection policies and how these will be presented in the exam. It then goes on to explore Inheritance Tax, the effects of gifts, and what policies may be best suited for different scenarios. Finally, the workshop covers qualifying and non-qualifying policies, their taxation treatment, and common exam questions around this. Finally, the workshop goes through different life scenarios and how different protection policies and suitable and their taxation treatment.

  • £145 + VAT
  • Online
  • 1 day, 7 hours
  • 2nd December 2021


Dec 02 2021


All Day




The Art of Finance


The Art of Finance
01325 952 542
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