Wellbeing is an easy term to throw around, but we know first hand that having a focus on supporting your employees wellbeing pays dividends to the business. Abseentism is one of the greatest risks facing any business, so by supporting your employees wellbeing you can reduce sickness, retain talent and be assured that you have a happy, engaged team. In order to offer this support to your team we have established a partnership with experts in this area, allowing you to use their support as part of our one-stop-shop approach!
Born from personal experience of workplace physical challenges, our partners at Corporate Personal Wellbeing have designed a number of programmes that you can select from to help your teams boost mental resilience, manage stress and enhance productivity.
Our focus is ensuring advice firms and business owners can get all the support they need to run their business in a single place. And that is still the case here; simply log into Dextera, navigate to the Employee Wellbeing dashboard, and click the Get Started button.
The team will chat with you to understand your current team structure, existing initiatives and any concerns you have and help you put the right level of support in place. This sits alongside your team and training in the system and is all part of the same payment structure, removing the need to outsource to additional third parties. You can choose from...
Straight into your team's inboxes, this is a low cost way of proactively offering support, ideas and activities to your team to enhance their wellbeing.
CPW offers a pay-as-you-go mental health counselling service to bring in expertise to address immediate concerns with professional support.
Display Screen Assessments are a mandatory activity for employers and more crucial than ever with the move to hybrid working, they can take this legal burden away from you and reduce the risk of employee injuries.
CPW also provide counselling support to advisers facing complaints via the Barerock PII service – click below to find out more about this or sign up to your free trial in Dextera to get started.
Head over to Corporate Personal Wellbeing's website to find out more about how they are and what they do.