Finding the right firm and acquiring it is just one the first part of the journey. Ensuring it's actually the fit you hoped it would be, along with managing the integration and the culture change piece, which is often very underestimated, is key to ensure the acquisition of another firm is successful beyond the point of signing on the dotted line.
Due to having the widest possible range of services and understanding advice firms from every angle, we are able to provide support at every stage of this process.
The Verve team have always been a pleasure to work with and are flexible when it comes to prioritising cases which is incredibly important to us when managing our acquisitions. Their system is sophisticated yet simple to use and gives us the visibility of where each case is at in the process. They have the expertise, the capacity and technolgy to suit all our needs.
Get in touch to learn more and chat with our experts about how we can best support you and your firm.