Evolution this year was designed to spark insightful conversations to generate new thinking within the industry… and we think we managed it.
From panels that talked AI to sessions centred around investments and even a fireside deep dive into humble beginnings, there were topics that caught everyone’s eye. A few of those eyes being the press!
So, if you weren’t able to make Evolution this year or just want a re-cap on what was discussed, pop the kettle on, put your feet up and take your pick from a few articles we’ve picked out –
📰 Money Marketing – Paraplanners ‘should be as qualified’ as advisers, says Timeline CEO
📰 Financial Adviser – ‘We are hardwired to be bad investors’
📰 Money Marketing – Adopting AI in financial services is a ‘Catch-22 situation’
📰 Financial Adviser – ‘AI not always the answer to advisers’ problems’