25th October 2024

Top Tips to Begin Your Digital Marketing Campaigns

Digital Marketing isn’t just a repeated pattern of the same ten social posts on rotation every two weeks. It’s also not just having a ‘really nice-looking’ website. It’s best described as a way to market your business, led by data. How do you do that? Well, here are our three top tips to help you create data-led campaigns…

1. Who are your competitors? No, actually get to know them.

Every business can reel off their top five competitors (if you can’t, that could be a good place to start!), but do you know how they’re marketing their services, who they’re marketing to, and where they’re marketing? It’s time to do some serious analysis of what they’re doing well, what they could improve on and the gaps they’re leaving (which you can eventually flesh out into a full campaign). Competitor analysis isn’t just social media, go and take a look at their website and assess their SEO strategy, what keywords are they coming up for? What blog posts are they writing? Get a full picture of what’s working for them, so you can use that to your advantage as well as any major gaps they could be filling.

2. Where is your focus? Hint – the answer isn’t everywhere.

All too often we see businesses wanting to push a marketing strategy everywhere: organic social media, paid social ads, SEO, PPC, email marketing etc. If you’re fortunate to have a large marketing team with specialists in each area – go for it! However, if you don’t, then start small and pick one focus to really work on. But ensure you have your foundations built before you go in…

3. Build your foundations.

Do you have your business listed on Google My Business? Have you listed your business on multiple directories? If not, the time is now. Listing your business on multiple directories is going to help you build up your backlinks. To put it into lament terms – the more trusted websites your URL is on, the more Google is going to trust you. Open up Excel and get to work listing yourself wherever you can, but make sure you write down where you’ve signed up to make sure there are no duplicates!  

Once you’ve done all the above tips, you can begin to dive into the campaign you want to run – socials, SEO, etc.  

Digital Marketing is such a big subject that it would be impossible to cram it all into one blog post – so, if you’re looking for some extra support then feel free to email us here.

Natalie Bell, Chief Engagement Officer