We have had a great year this year, and not just professionally…

You can tell that we’re getting slightly older as a company as the new grads we have snaffled over the years are now settling down, buying houses, having babies, getting married, flying through exams, getting engaged and having MORE babies (OBVIOUSLY this is not all one person)!

In weddings we have gained a Mrs Bird and a Mrs Robinson (she’s heard all the jokes by now, trust us), we’ve seen some gorgeous engagement rings and some of us are super excited to hear the jangle of new keys as people are accepted for mortgages and are moving into new houses. Although that is slightly offset by the updates on Instagram of the effort it takes to paint walls, completely redo woodwork and refurbish a house in general – although it always looks glorious when it’s finished.

In baby news, among many we’ve had Kim’s beautiful twins and our first full Para-Sols baby from Grant and Rach – he is already fully on the way to being ready to write excellent reports by the age of three. May we also give a quick shout out to Rach for sitting AND passing a Mortgage exam while she is on maternity leave?! Now that’s dedication to the cause. We’re looking forward to meeting all the new 2023 Verve babies – when we said we are growing the company, it’s not exactly what we meant, but it’s very exciting…

Keep your eyes peeled for more good news over the next few months as we have some very exciting things planned for next year – there’s never a dull moment at The Verve Group!