I want to talk about change. In particular, how employers must embrace it and how leaders can navigate their teams through uncertainty and unsettledness. There’s so much of it afoot in what feels like every corner of the world right now. Financial services is no exception.

Six years ago, I joined what was then Para-Sols — a modest team of eight offering a simple outsourced paraplanning solution to mostly small-sized financial advisers. Fast-forward to today and I’m part of a team that has since created three additional new businesses, an award-winning podcast, an internal graduate scheme and a separate not-for-profit organisation.

Our need to evolve as a business was inevitable. New services have been created to meet new regulation (hi, Consumer Duty!), new roles have been introduced to respond to new demand (hi, consolidator market!) and how we work has changed thanks to the introduction of hybrid working. And it doesn’t end there.

We’re in our own period of transformation right now. We recently went through a process of restructuring a range of businesses with multiple brands to become one single company, offering our full spectrum of support services to firms of all shapes and sizes under one roof.

Read more in our Money Marketing article from Natalie Bell here.