It might seem a strange thing to think about, but after passing numerous exams and gaining qualifications, do you actually know what you are doing when you sit down at the computer on your first day in your new job, especially if it’s your first office job?

You look around and see everyone hard at work, typing away but you’re not sure what exactly it is they are doing. You have so much knowledge that you want to put to use, but where do you start?

This is where practical skills come in. Learning to apply the knowledge you have gained in passing all of those exams in order to get the job done. A lot of training courses do just focus on retaining information for the direct purpose of passing the relevant exams, but a more rounded programme can actually be beneficial – both to the student and to their employer.

If you do not have the time or perhaps the specific training skills in your firm, you could consider outsourcing. A supported training programme, such as those available from The Art of Finance, can take a trainee through their training journey from a new starter all the way through to gaining a specific CII qualification, depending on their role. The practical skills are taught in tandem, meaning the students can apply knowledge successfully from the very first module!

The role-specific programmes cover financial administration, paraplanning or compliance and are suitable for all learners – whether they already work in those specific roles or are completely new starters.

The financial administration course, for example is designed to take someone with little or no financial services experience to a well-rounded administrator with a breadth of knowledge. The course leads to an RQF level 3 qualification via the CII. In addition to the actual qualification, the course will deliver wider knowledge and practical training in the administrator role. This means that the students learn how to apply their new knowledge to the job, not just for exams – making them work-ready in a short space of time. The training can also be tailored to the systems and processes used in your firm.

Having this type of training course available can also help your already existing team, allowing them to concentrate on their day to day tasks while the new starter is going through the training. The new starter can then train and practice while still being a support for the remainder of the team as they are training alongside their peers at the same pace. This allows the student to have their peers as an extra resource when working through the modules or revision papers.

Having the exam knowledge is only half the training. It’s like preparing for your driving test – you only really learn to drive after you have passed. Learning the practical skills alongside the facts and figures means that the student has a more thorough knowledge of their role and the ability to apply that knowledge successfully in their day to day work.